Saturday 22 October 2011

No more Topshop. Hello Charity Shop.

Unfortunately my 3 year shopping spree/addiction at Topshop may be coming to a bleak end. As we know Topshop is a high end, high street store which in my opinion sells the most beautiful in style clothes ever. It's that reason why in the past the price of their clothes has never bothered me as their sheer beauty had always outweighed the costly price tag. However, at the moment I have NO MONEY, seriously I have about 20 pence. So, whilst fixating on my rows and rows of Topshop beauty I came to the conclusion that it was "No more Topshop" and "Hello Charity Shop." Well. I'll see how long it lasts. Haha. On the plus side though charity and vintage shops often have some amazing chic and cheap buys! Maybe they'll become my new obsession! Oh and Topshop if you're reading PLEASE GIVE ME A JOB! Thanks. :)

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