Tuesday 26 June 2012

Join the fashion army.

Attention! 1 2 3 4 5 military style is being revived! Okay so maybe we're not actually members of the army but with the introduction of khaki prints and army jackets being launched into many of our favourite high street stores I have to say I'm finding it hard not to jump on the military bandwagon. Camouflaged and khaki prints are far from girly chic but to me offer a cool grunge look to casual outfit. So I decided to find some of my favorite army jackets on the high street. My favorite is definitely Topshop's plain army jacket (below), perfect for everyday use and at a warm £48 I'll probably have to do a little bit of saving before I can snap this one up. What do you think of the new army trend, explosive or an eruptive turn off? Leave a comment!

£48 Topshop

£48 Urban Outfitters

£48 Urban Outfitters

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